This company is a scam This company is a scam, They have giveaways and do not publish the rules of said giveaways, through testing it is clear that they manipulate the odds of customers winning and exclude certain customers from winning under certain conditions. Likewise, the boss drop feature is a scam. It is impossible to get a score that can win an item after a few plays of the game, there is no disclosure of the rules and who is "Ineligible" to get good items, but it is clear after testing this feature that it is rigged against the common person This is a huge scam. the company is asking you to do free advertising for them in exchange for a chance of a giveaway and is excluding certain people from that giveaway. It is also required in the US to provide documentation of the rules of a giveaway if asked and when asked this company ghosted me. Edit (may 22) in response to the manager/ company response. I sat on chat for 30 minutes with an agent connected to me with no response. So clearly the support service that they are steering me towards is also fundamentally broken and thus a scam.

We compare:


This company is a scam This company is a scam, They have giveaways and do not publish the rules of said giveaways, through testing it is clear that they manipulate the odds of customers winning and exclude certain customers from winning under certain conditions. Likewise, the boss drop feature is a scam. It is impossible to get a score that can win an item after a few plays of the game, there is no disclosure of the rules and who is "Ineligible" to get good items, but it is clear after testing this feature that it is rigged against the common person This is a huge scam. the company is asking you to do free advertising for them in exchange for a chance of a giveaway and is excluding certain people from that giveaway. It is also required in the US to provide documentation of the rules of a giveaway if asked and when asked this company ghosted me. Edit (may 22) in response to the manager/ company response. I sat on chat for 30 minutes with an agent connected to me with no response. So clearly the support service that they are steering me towards is also fundamentally broken and thus a scam.